By Sonya Octa - Sunday, September 30, 2018

Making changes is not that easy and done just in a day. It's gonna be hard but if you start it with the small steps and do it constantly, it's not gonna be that hard. Change your habit to be a healthy lifestyle is the best choice you'll made and you'll never regret it because it's that worth it. All you need to do right now is just do it! So, I will share to you guys what things what small steps that I made into a healthy lifestyle that I have right now. Let's get it!

1. Change Your Mind

Set the right mindset how you gonna start this. If you gonna start a healthy life but your mindset still think that being healthy is not important and it's not yout priority in life. Then, you'll never reach this goal. It never be. So, mindset is really important to start this healthy life tips. It's kinda first step you need to do.

2. Walk More

Without you know or understand, walk is becomes one of the easiest workout you can do on daily life and it's totally free. You needn't earn so much money for gym to be healthy, right? Walk is becomes the alternative that provided. Walk in the morning is my favorite. Also, I thought that walk in the morning is the best compare to the other time. I can inhale the fresh air and it makes me happy and ready to kick off my day. So, I recommend you to walk in the morning. But, as you know, walk can be done anytime, right? From now on start to think it's better to walk instead of ride any transportation. But, if the place too far for you to walk, you can ride a bus, a car or any other transportation. Start to make it as your habit.

3. Drink More Water

Water is really important for our life. Literally really important. Do you drink enough water in a day? Do the pee test! If it's as clear as water you're not lack of water or dehidration. Otherwise, if your pee is not as clear as water, it means that you need to drink more water in a day. Water is really important in our daily life for the sake of our health. Without enough water you will be dehidrated or even dying. Make it as a habit to drink more water than usual on your daily life. The normal amount of water amunition in a day is about 5-8 glass per day or 1-2 liters a day. The more you drink water in a day the better for your health, but don't drink too much or too less.

4. Eat Slower or Less

Eat mindfully gonna help you to digest the food better. People nowadays like to eat in front of their computer, laptop or any other electronic devices. It spends a lot of time approximately 20-30 minutes compare to when you eat mindfully which is need 5-10 minutes only. Eat mindfully means that you just eat without doing any other things or multi-tasking at the same time. Eat your meal mindfully gonna turns your meal into nutrition. Eat mindfully also helps your body to absorb the nutrition from your food even better.

5. Meditate

Do you ever try to meditate? If not, it's gonna be challenging when you try it for the first time. For me, 2 years ago, when I tried meditate for the first time it just feels like nothing. Nothing different and I don't felt something unique from doing meditation. But, I tried it again and over again. At the beginning I just try it for once a week until now I do it every single day every morning. To start meditate, all you need to do is do it again and over again until you find the real magic of doing meditation. Literally, meditation changes my whole life. It changed the way I think about life, problem, gratitude and any other things. It helps me to be mindful and calmer. My favorite meditation app are 'Calm' and 'Headspace'. I recommend it to you and go start to download the app then you'll be ready to meditate. The app will helps you how to meditate. It's gonna be easier than without app. You can download the apps for you iOS or your Google Play. I will linked it down below.

CALM for iOS
CALM for Android
HEADSPACE for Android

6. Stretch Your Muscles

Stretching is really important for human body. Stretching helps us to relax the tense muscles. Sometimes people too focus and busy with our work from morning till afternoon or night. Then, you gonna feel so tired at the end of the day. Actually, when you do a simple stretching while you're working it gonna makes your body feel better, relax and less tired than before. Stretching will help you to refresh your body from activities that you do in a day. Do 5-10 minutes stretching every time you feel so tired is enough. Do stretching every morning when you wake up also really good for you body and to wake up your body. So, let's start to do stretching everyday!

7. Spend Your Time Outside for A While

I love nature so so so so much. I like walk in the nature and enjoy the atmosphere around. See the green tree and feel the fresh air in the morning, the wind, the blue sky, and the clouds. Nature always makes me feel better and makes me in a good mood. Everytime I get upset or in a bad mood, I just go outside to see the sky for a while always makes me so much better than before. Nature is kinda healing for me. Walk in the morning always becomes my favorite because of the fresh air, the sunrise, the sky and the beautiful scenery. Walk in the morning really good for the health eventho just walk for a short of time.

8. Sleep More

As you know, sleep for 8 hours in a day is kinda a standard that people usually use to measure your sleep quality by see how long you sleep that will impact to your health. Sleep is really important for our health. When you sleep late at night then when you wake up in the morning, your body don't want to cooperate with you because it gonna makes your body feel so tired, right? It different compare to the one who sleep early at night or sleep for 7-8 hours will wake up with a fresher body. Sleep for 7-8 hours per day will improve the stamina of your body, increase the quality of sleep and smoothen your blood circulation. Getting enough rest to recharge your body. So, the conclussion is to sleep more if you want to be healthier.

9. Watch TV Less

Start to reduce your time to watching TV and improve your time to reading more. The light from the TV screen is not good for your eyes health. It also applies for your gadget. If you want to reduce the consequences, you can use the radiation specs. If you don't want, reduce it and change it with reading more books will be better.

10. Laugh Your Ass Off

Laugh makes your feeling better. It helps you to improve your mood better. Laugh is totally free and it's not hard to do. Believe me, you'll get so much benefit by doing it. Laughter helps you to reduce your stress. You can meet up and hang out with your friends who always make you happy and laugh all the time. You can also watch humor movie in your room. As long as laughter is easy and free, do it as much as you can.

11. Smile More

I know it kinda hard to smile when you're not feel well, right? But take your time try to smile eventho you're on your lowest situation. Facial expression, in this case is smile, can really have a positive effects for your emotions.

12. Take a Hot Bath

For me, taking a hot bath after a hard and long day will helps me to relax. A little bit chilling but it makes my body feel much better than before. I can feel less tired after take a hot bath. Take a hot bath helps our body to relax and relax the muscles also helps to make our body better.

13. Enjoy Every Moment in Your Life

The key to enjoy every moment in your life every single day is gratitude. Gratitude is everything. Practice gratitude in your life every single day will totally change your life. It can changes the way you think, the way you face something, the way you act. Gratitude is a simpe thing that will helps you to enjoy everything that happen in your life. You are grateful with everything you have now and it just something to be proud of. We are alive, we breath, we laugh, we sad, we happy and we feel every emotion in our life. All of that is such a great thing that human can feel. Don't compare yourself with others. Try to practice gratitude and you'll understand what I mean. From practice gratitude, you'll see the purpose of life, at least the reason why you're here, right now, in this moment, in this universe.

14. Breath the Fresh Air

Take a walk in the morning in nature or get out from your house in the morning to get the fresh air is such the best thing ever. For me, it helps me to feel better and refresh my body and my mind to start a day. Make sure you get a fresh air everyday. Because that's really goof for yourself, your body and your soul.

So, that's all for the 14 tips that I share to you guys to start your healthy life. I hope that you guys found it out helpful and interesting. I'm so ready to hear your story, comment down below. Thankyou.


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