By Sonya Octa - Friday, June 29, 2018

cr. pinterest

Learning to love yourself is really important without you know it. So, for my blog post this time, I'll share my journey and my thought about self-love and self-care. All about the things that I used to do to improve my self-love and self-care. Every person has their own point of view and also has their own journey about self-love. So here's my journey, let's get it!

It's not that easy to understand what yourself really need, at first. But, day by day you'll understand more and more. That's all about "the process". I'm still on my process to make progress to love myself and always learning every single day. At first, at the beginning, I don't really know and understand what self-love and self-care really are. Yeah, I learn it everyday and it's really fun. One of things that I learn is that I can improve my self-awareness and accept myself more. In my opinion, by doing self-love and self-care, so many good things will come to you. It will makes you even more aware about yourself and others also you'll be happier than before.

First of all, talking about self-love, you can start practice by saying affirmation for yourself just for your ownself. For example, you can say "you're so pretty", "you're cool today", "you work hard already", "you doing great today", "you can do it, so fight for it" to yourself also you can say it in front of mirror. It's up to you. It's gonna better and even better if you practice it every single day. You'll stronger than before, braver than before and you'll more confident than before. Self-love is all about elf-acceptance. How you treat yourself wisely and accept for who you really are.

The next thing that I want to explain here is about self-care. The focus and the main goal of self-care is different from self-love. Self-care is more about how you take care of yourself, about how you take your time to do something for yourself and do things that can make your life happier. I have so many references in my mind right now about things that you should do for yourself. I'll share some of my ideas here, so you'll get some ideas for the sake of self-care. So, here they are :

1. Make your own "me time" check list
2. Read a book
3. Drink more water
4. Burn a candle and chilling
5. Try to use essential oil diffuser
6. Practice mindfullness
7. Meditate
8. Practice yoga
9. Eat healthy food
10. Try to be vegan for a day
11. Reduce eat junk food
12. Workout
13. Journaling
14. Listen to your favorite music
15. Go dancing on your favorite music
16. Listen to podcast
17. Watch TED Talk
18. Get enough sleep
19. Go for a walk outside
20. Smile to everyone you meet
21. Disconnect from social media for a day
22. Cut negative people in your life
23. Watch your favorite film, drama or TV show
24. Declutter stuffs
25. Start to use skincare
26. Practice minimalism
27. Do something out of your comfort zone
28. Re-decor your room
29. Visit a cute cafe in town
30. Explore nature

So, basically there are 30 things that I've mention before. I hope that it can be your inspo and ideas to start self-care. There are bunch of things that you can do others than I've mention. You can search it on google or pinterest. Eventhough self-love and self-care are different but they can't be seperated. Self-love and self-care are about process. Process to be the better version of yourself. 

There will always be more things that I should learn and improve to show my ownself also people around me in my environment about the good things that I'll get. Self-love and self-care are about the journey and process to know yourself even more. Taking care of yourself is really important over anything else. Do you love yourself already? Do you take care of yourself already? If you're not doing it yet, start it right now. You'll never regret doing it.

I hope that this post will really help you to love yourself and learn new things. Love yourself first before you love others. Xoxo.


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