By Sonya Octa - Saturday, February 16, 2019

Do you like snacking? Do you feel guilty for letting yourself eat such an unhealthy food? Do you still want to snacking but with the healthy food? Also, do you need light food for your rush breakfast? I used to snacking unhealthy food in the past, like so much. I ate chips, chocolate, cookies and more unhealthy snacks. Sooner or later I realized that it's not gonna be good for my health if I keep eat those kind of food often. Then, I decided at least to research and make a healthy food by myself. First, I tried to search some recipes ideas on pinterest. I found so many healthy snacks recipe ideas that I'm interested on. So, I decided to make it by myself. My guilty pleasure because eating unhealthy food all gone. I'm feeling much better when I decided to eat more healthy food. It made me feel more happy and healthier for sure.

I know right that most of people still seem hard when it comes to healthy snack, right? People still prefer eating unhealthy snacks as long as it tastes good (because my personal opinion said so lol). So here I am, want to share to you guys my simple and easy healthy food (snacks; breakfast) recipes so you can try to make it by yourself. My focus here is to share recipes that fit me the most, so feel free to develop your own style. Your small steps really means a lot to reach your big goals. Let's get into it!


Ingredients :
  • Honey Corn Cereal
  • Plain Milk
  • Granola
  • Cinnamon


Ingredients :
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Granola
  • Cinnamon


Ingredients :
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Mayonnaise


Ingredients :
  • Carrot (boiled)
  • Cheese
  • Mayonnaise

Hopefully this information that I shared to you guys will useful. You can start try to make it by yourself. Maybe it's gonna be hard on the first try, but trust me, enjoy the process. You'll feel the great result later, but if you do it constantly. Every great things came from a process, just do it. Fake it till you make it. I hope you got the differences when you try it. Have a good luck! ^^

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